Hello, Hola, 你好, नमस्ते, مرحبا, Olá, হ্যালো, Привет, こんにちは, ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ, Hallo, 안녕하세요, Bonjour, வணக்கம், Merhaba, Ciao, سلام, سلام, નમસ્તે, Привіт, Cześć, Halo, ಹಲೋ, Salut, Hallo, Γειά σου, Ahoj, Hej, Xin chào, Kamusta, Helló, Здравей, Здраво, Hei, Hej, Hei, สวัสดี, Halo, Ahoj, Bok, Labas, Sveiki, Tere, გამარჯობა, Բարեւ, Salam, Halló, Здраво, Ħelow, Përshëndetje , 


Egor Fedorov

I'm 37 years old, and I'm from the harsh yet incredibly beautiful Yakutia. Photography for me is not just a hobby but a way to capture life moments that evoke emotions and inspiration. 

Welcome to my world, where every photo tells its own story.

Current location: Almaty / Kazakhstan



All photos

My Hasselblad X2D is my tool for crafting masterpieces, but my phone is my everyday companion. With it, I capture the spontaneity of life, turning the ordinary into the unforgettable, and I’m excited to share the stories.


Let’s talk

If you have any questions or proposals, feel free to contact me:
Email: egorfdrv@gmail.com
X (Twitter): @egorfdrv
Instagram: @egorfdrv.photo
Note: Leave me a note

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